QCA Spas, Inc. is a wellness company comitted to helping improve the health and well being of our customers
We have compiled a list of links to informational articles by medical doctors, naturopaths, and other health professionals to help educate current and potential users on the benefits of far infrared therapy with a TheraSauna® and the reasons you should be using one. As always, please consult with a medical professional to determine whether or not far infrared therapy may be right for you and your medical condition.
You'll find our list of links below to documents and reports on a wide variety of topics that may be of interest to owners and potential TheraSauna owners alike!
- Advances in Cancer Care.pdf
- Chronic Fatigue Fibromyalgia and FIR Sauna.pdf
- Complimentary Cancer Care.pdf
- Detoxification Cancer Option Newsletter.pdf
- Detoxing Chemicals and Pollutants for Optimal Health.pdf
- Diabetes and Far Infrared Rays.pdf
- Effects Repeated Sauna Treatment Ventricular Arrhythmias.pdf
- EMF_Readings.pdf
- Far Infrared Therapy.pdf
- Far Infrared.pdf
- FIR Sauna vs Toxins and Disease.pdf
- Healing Power of Infrared Saunas.pdf
- Hyperthermia Cancer Protocols.pdf
- Improved Cellular Function.pdf
- Is Infrared Safe.pdf
- Lymphatic Cancers.pdf
- Multi Chemical Sensitivity.pdf
- Patent.pdf
- Recovery from Fibromyalgia.pdf
- Saunas Improve Results for Heart Patients.pdf
- Sweat Your Way to Health.pdf
- Sweat Your Way to Radiant Health.pdf
- Sweating Bodys Cooling and Cleansing Mechanism.pdf
- Symptom Reversal Diabetes Patients.pdf
- Toxic Body Toxic Home.pdf
- Toxic_Wood.pdf
- Warming Up to Far InfraRed Saunas.pdf
- What is Far Infrared.pdf
- Why is Detoxification Important.pdf
- Why Would You Want to Sweat.pdf